Tucson, AZ

Things To Do In Tucson

Tucson’s natural landscape draws visitors outdoors where there is plenty of room to roam. I have had many buyers in my car notice that every where we go there are people out walking or biking, even in the 110 weather. We have mild winters and dry summers and our monsoons are the best! Nothing like the smell of rain in the desert or to see the sun shine while its raining!

Tucson’s has a little bit for everyone. Here are just a few things to do in Tucson.



Arizona Sonora Desert Museum
Botanical Gardens
Cars & Coffee
Colossal Cave Mountain Park
Fourth Avenue Street fair
Gaslight Theater
Hiking Trails
International Wildlife Museum
Kartchner Caverns
Kitts Peak Observatory
Live Theater Workshop
Old Tucson Studios
Pima Air & Space Museum
Reid Park Zoo
Sabino Canyon
San Xavier Mission
Tohono Chul Park
Tucson Gem Show
Tucson Museum of Art
Tucson Parks & Recreation
Tucson Fishing(7 places)

Homes for Sale

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